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Salaries, Other Remuneration and Social Security Expenses (SEK 000s)


 Board, CEO & Senior ExecutivesOther EmployeesBoard, CEO & Senior ExecutivesOther Employees
Social Security14 94821 80415 75518 283
Pension Contributions & Expenses5 7886 0155 9914 358
Costs for Share-Based Remuneration1)32 40851 44726 93034 497
Total102 481174 339104 120132 517

 1) Includes social security costs and subsidies received by participants at the launch of long-term incentive plans.

Remuneration for the CEO and Other Senior Executives (SEK 000s)

   CEO  Other Senior Executives1)  CEO  Other Senior Executives1)
Variable Compensation4 39311 5795 92011 862
Extraordinay Variable Compensation---5 049
Pension Contributions2 6693 1192 4353 556
Costs for Share-Based Remuneration2)6 48218 8135 90014 596
Total22 67251 20422 39352 993

1) Other senior executives consisted of 6 (6) persons during 2023.
2) Includes social security costs and subsidies received by participants at the launch of long-term incentive plans.