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Salaries, Other Remuneration and Social Security Expenses (SEK 000s)

 Board, CEO & Senior ExecutivesOther EmployeesBoard, CEO & Senior ExecutivesOther Employees
Salaries & Other Remuneration49 33895 07255 44475 380
Social Security14 94821 80415 75518 283
Pension Contributions & Expenses5 7886 0155 9914 358
Costs for Share-Based Remuneration1 )32 40851 44726 93034 497
Total102 481174 339104 120132 517

 1) Includes social security costs and subsidies received by participants at the launch of long-term incentive plans.

Remuneration for the CEO and Other Senior Executives (SEK 000s)

 CEO  Other Senior Executives1)  CEO  Other Senior Executives1)
Fixed Salaries8 92817 0758 00017 421
Variable Compensation4 39311 5795 92011 862
Extraordinay Variable Compensation---5 049


Pension Contributions2 6693 1192 4353 556
Costs for Share-Based Remuneration2)6 48218 8135 90014 596
Total22 67251 20422 39352 993

1) Other senior executives consisted of 6 (6) persons during 2023.
2) Includes social security costs and subsidies received by participants at the launch of long-term incentive plans.