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Nomination Committee 2025

In accordance with the resolution by the 2024 Annual General Meeting, the Nomination Committee ahead of the 2025 Annual General Meeting comprises Lawrence Burns, nominated by Baillie Gifford, Erik Brändström, nominated by Spiltan Fonder, Marie Klingspor, nominated by herself and Wilhelm Klingspor and Amelie Klingspor, Cristina Stenbeck, nominated by Verdere S.à r.l, AMS Sapere Aude Trust fbo HS and AMS Sapere Aude Trust fbo SMS and the Chair of the Board James Anderson. Lawrence Burns is the Chair of the Nomination Committee. Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so in writing to or to The Nomination Committee, Kinnevik AB, P.O. Box 2094, SE-103 13 Stockholm Sweden.