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Insights from LUMA #35

My three learnings from shadowing the CEO of Europe’s leading listed growth investor for a year

Below is an excerpt from an article where Kinnevik’s current LUMA (CEO trainee), Johan Bäckman Berg, shares some of his learnings from working close to Kinnevik’s CEO for a year.

For one year, I have had the chance to work as LUMA, or CEO trainee, at Kinnevik AB, Europe’s leading listed growth investor. It is almost a mythical position that Kinnevik has had for over 40 years. As LUMA you work with a great variety of projects, both the highs and the lows, getting the opportunity to lead and execute large operational projects, manage teams and be a part of making investments into growing start-ups all over Europe and the US. 

Nonetheless, what I believe is the most unique aspect from being in this role is working closely with Kinnevik’s CEO, Georgi Ganev, and Kinnevik’s management team for a year. I have been shadowing Georgi, able to join in on almost all his meetings, with Georgi generously sharing his thoughts on practically everything. I have had the possibility to participate in discussions and decisions at the highest strategic level, gaining a true helicopter view of what it means to run a listed, globally competing investment firm. Now, almost 11 months into my year, I would like to share my three key insights and learnings from my tight collaboration with Georgi - and my view of what it means to be a CEO at a company like Kinnevik. 

  1. Undivided Attention to Divided Topics
  2. Prioritising People
  3. Time for Thinkings

To see a detailed description of the three learnings, read the full article via the link below.

On an ending note, reflecting upon my year, while you as a LUMA get the chance to do a multitude of other stuff outside of shadowing Georgi, such as participating in investments and strategic projects with portfolio companies, I believe the tight collaboration with Georgi, and the learnings thereof, will be one of my most important professional experiences that I will bring with me in the rest of my career – regardless of what I do.

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