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Kinnevik has adopted a Diversity and Inclusion Framework to drive change

Diversity & inclusion

In spring of 2019, Kinnevik announced that it has adopted a Diversity & Inclusion framework to drive change within Kinnevik and our portfolio, not only from an equality standpoint but, most importantly, from a business and performance perspective.

Watch the video on gender diversity at Kinnevik

Dame Amelia Fawcett, Chairman of the Board

“Kinnevik wants to be a front-runner in pushing for diversity and inclusion, and by adopting a clear framework, we have set targets to make this happen. The Board continues to focus on the execution of the framework, and I look forward to reporting back to our stakeholders as we progress."

 Georgi Ganev, CEO

“With an increased commitment to diversity and inclusion, Kinnevik will build stronger and better companies. I am convinced that clear ambitions and measurable performance indicators will increase our focus on diversity and inclusion even further and create shareholder value.”

Georgi Ganev

Overarching Targets

  • 40/60 Composition – by end of 2022 Kinnevik shall have a 40/60 composition (at least 40% of the underrepresented gender) in the Management team as well as in the Investment and Corporate teams
  • 10% Female Capital – from 2019 and onwards, at least 10% of the annual investment budget shall be reserved for investments in female-founded or led companies. If the 10% is not invested, it will roll over and increase next year’s earmark to 20%

  • No Follow-Ons – Kinnevik will only consider making follow-on investments in companies that it believes have made progress in relation to diversity and inclusion

  • Leadership – all Kinnevik managers are to be measured on diversity and inclusion, and the results will be linked to their remuneration 

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