Harald Mix
Born: 1960
Nationality: Swedish citizen
Independence: Independent of the Company and management and of major shareholders
Direct or related person ownership: 25,000 Class A-shares and 200,000 Class B-shares
Committee Work: Member of the People & Remuneration Committee
Other current significant assignments: Co-founder and CEO of Altor Equity Partners, Chairman of the Board of Vargas Holding, Stegra and Aira, Board Director of Nordic Leisure Travel Group and Carnegie Investment Bank
Harald Mix was elected Director of the Kinnevik Board in 2021. He has worked in management consulting and private equity at Booz Allen & Hamilton and at First Boston in New York. He co-founded private equity firm Industrikapital in 1990 where he was active until 2001. Harald Mix graduated in 1983 from Brown University, Rhode Island, and from Harvard Business School in 1987.